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November 2019

Muir Cottage Meet, Linn of Dee – April 2019

PMC: Muir Cottage Meet, Linn of Dee – April 2019

We had a super turn out for this meet with 11 attendees converging on Muir Cottage over the weekend. This was a new venue for many, I have stayed a few times and it is one of my favourite huts. The weekend got off to a good start on Friday with an evening of chatting, planning, catching up with friends and getting to know new people, all round a cosy wood burning stove.


Ben Alder day meet April 2019

Ben Alder day meet, 14th April

Present: Richard , Pam, Alasdair, Jim , Grahame  and Raymond (guest).

This turned out to be an over 60’s meet, the younger members perhaps put off by the length of the proposed outing. From Dalwhinnie the superb surface of the track allowed a speedy cycle along Loch Ericht, this slowed somewhat to the point just past Culra where we dumped the bikes. A bitingly cold easterly wind made its presence felt as we headed towards the Short Leachas. Raymond branched off to the left into the corrie to climb a snow gully, while rest of us scrambled up the ridge. The team regrouped on the plateau before reaching the summit. We continued south and down to the Bealach Breabag then up onto Beinn Bheoil. With the wind behind us now a rapid descent was made back to the bikes and a long cycle back to Dalwhinne. A fine day out.
